UGLY LOVE by Colleen Hoover * Blog Tour * 5 Star Review * Giveaway *

Posted August 7, 2014 by Karen in Blog Tour, Book Release / 0 Comments



Title: Ugly Love

Author: Colleen Hoover

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Published: August 5, 2014

Rating: 5+ Mile High Stars

Reviewed by Yesi


When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

Never ask about the past.
Don’t expect a future.

They think they can handle it, but realize almost immediately they can’t handle it at all.

Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly.


 Purchase Links:

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This is by far one of the toughest reviews I’ve had to write in a long while, if ever. I honestly don’t know where to begin because this book made me feel so much while reading and when I was finished, all I could think was WOW! Then I wanted to forget what I had just read so I could read it, relive it, and experience it all over again. Yes, that is how much I absolutely LOVED this book. Colleen Hoover is one of my all time favorite authors. Her first book, Slammed, was the second indie book I ever purchased and that was over two years ago. It has been love ever since with each new book she has given her readers. Ugly Love is so very different than all of her other books, not only because it is steamier, sexier, and edgier than the others, but because it is a story that fits the title perfectly, but not in the way that you would think. It is a genius concept and honestly, when I was done, I knew in that moment, that it was my new favorite Colleen Hoover book. This is the story of Miles and Tate, it is told in the past and present, which can be tricky, but it worked beautifully here. Miles tells the past, Tate the present, and with both eventually coming together in an explosive conclusion.

“It’s been six years, Tate. Believe me when I tell you…I’m ready.”

What exactly is Miles ready for though? From the synopsis you get the idea, boy meets girl, boy doesn’t do love, girl thinks she’s too busy for it anyway, so best solution? Sex of course! Simple right? Oh no, so very, very wrong. When Miles and Tate meet, it is an awkward moment, emotional and confusing is how I can best describe it. When they see each other again and realize how they are connected, things start to get dicey. Tate has just moved in with her brother Corbin who is a pilot, Miles is their across hall neighbor, a pilot as well, and one of Corbin’s best friends. The attraction is obvious from the beginning, but Miles is quiet and reserved, so immediately the red flag is raised and as a reader the questions begin to swirl. Then we are introduced to a very different Miles from six years ago, he is happy, he is hopeful, and he is full of life. Those flashback moments are brief and they made me smile but they also made me wonder what could have happened to Miles because the man we are seeing in present day is anything but.

“You act like it’s such a bad thing for us to like each other.”

“Maybe it is, ” he says.

From the very beginning of their “non” friends with benefits/sexual relationship Miles was quite clear that he had no intention of falling in love, ever. He was clear that he did not want her to get attached, have any hope for more than sex, and that she was to ask no questions about his past. He’s a jerk right? I know that’s what I was thinking. Wrong. Boy I was so very wrong. Tate agrees to his rules and thinks she can keep it casual. Miles is distant, moody, and won’t even look at her during sex, but, a huge BUT, in the brief moments they spend together outside of the bedroom, there are glimpses of the man that he was before. There are a few scenes that simply melted my heart. Then of course we are seeing the Miles from the past and really, how could I dislike him. I had faith that underneath the tough exterior was a wonderful man waiting to resurface. Unfortunately, present day Miles is dead set on never letting feelings get involved, but for some reason, Tate is making him feel something.  So what does he do? He continually pushes her away. It is inevitable that Tate’s heart gets involved and it is also inevitable that he unintentionally continues to hurt her. The back and forth, the push and pull between Tate and Miles is heartbreaking. We are witnessing two hearts, one that is completely shattered and broken, and one that is in the process of breaking beyond repair. The inner struggle is evident in Miles’ actions and sometimes his words. Tate continues to hold on to the hope that he may change his mind. The whole thing is utterly heartbreaking. Not to mention, Miles from the past is now slowly revealing what happened to make him who he is today.

“It’s love in general I don’t want, Tate. Ever. It’s you specifically that I just…want.”

I could continue and give you more, but honestly, I think I may have said too much already. What I can tell you is that this book needs to be in your hands immediately. You’ll want to experience for yourself the beauty of love, the ugly parts of love, and this magnificent world that Colleen Hoover has created for Miles and Tate. Even the secondary characters play important and significant roles throughout, especially a very wise man named Cap. Ugly Love will infiltrate your heart, it will make it ache and it will make it swell. It will consume your life to the point that you won’t want to stop until you reach the end, no matter what is going on around you. You may even cry, it will be ugly, it certainly was for me, but in the end, every single emotion felt whether sad, happy, fearful, or gut-wrenching, will have been worth it. A phenomenal read that will stay with you long after you have finished.

If I were capable of loving someone…it would be you.”

UGLY LOVE collage

*** collage was created by two of our followers/readers, Danielle and Hoang ***
Exclusive Ugly Love Track by Griffin Peterson ~ Available on iTunes

UL Griffin


CoHo pic

I love to write and I love to give away things that I write, so follow me on my Facebook author page at

I give away a signed book every single day. This month, it’ll be copies of UGLY LOVE!


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giveaway*** We will be running a FLASH GIVEAWAY on our Facebook page for a SIGNED Paperback Copy of Ugly Love and two e-book copies so be sure to stop by throughout the day  to see if it is up and to enter for a chance to WIN ***

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