Valentine's Day and #FSOG

Posted February 12, 2015 by Karen in Musings / 1 Comment

two Cents


Just now I got a Google alert that my favorite author Nina Lane, gave an interview to WKOW Secret Identity: Real ’50 Shades’ style writer lives in Madison. My dander is up.  What got my dander in a rough? A comment made on the page, click the link to see the comment made about Valentine’s Day and the release of #FSOG.

First off I suspect the gentleman in question has never read the book Fifty Shades of Grey.  Second, he clearly does not know the history of the pagan celebrations of February 14 and 15.  The dates were co oped by the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  The pagan roots of those celebrations was fertility, as in SEX.  OMG SEX, cause no one has sex, as we are all first generation human beings.  I for one believe other people should stay out of people bedrooms and not comment on books they obviously have never read or plan to read.  If you don’t like a book after you’ve read it then fine, bravo you are allowed, and I commend you opinion.  If you don’t like a movie after you’ve see it, bravo you are allowed.  If you have not seen or read the movie or book, then you are just spouting vitriol for vitriol sake, because of what you have heard about the book or movie.  Why is it that we as humans think we have a right to stick our noses in things we are not informed about, such as shaming other’s because of a movie or the book that is the origins of said movie.    He doesn’t just shame movie goers but the entire country, since when did a movie studio constitute America.  Hmmmm…… perplexed and saddened.


Please note that as an owner of Literati Author Services we have provided promotion for Nina Lane’s books.

Also note this reviewer won’t be seeing Fifty Shades of Grey, as I don’t watch too many movies or television, I read. But I encourage all of you to go to the movie and enjoy.  As Yesi and Maria went to the premiere and really had a great time. 😉

One response to “Valentine's Day and #FSOG

  1. Jenny Dauksa Schaber

    KUDOS and well said. I commend you as one first generation human to another. 🙂
    I too will be keeping my couch company this weekend. I hope that everyone who sees it enjoys it, but I can’t risk tarnishing the movie that plays in my head when I read it. The clips and the hype have done enough for me. Thanks for sharing, and I enjoyed the clip with Nina!

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