The Weight of Words by Georgina Guthrie: Excerpt and Giveaway

Posted November 29, 2013 by Karen in Giveaways / 0 Comments

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WOW CoverTitle: The Weight of Words (The Weight of Words #1)

Author: Georgina Guthrie

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: November 26th, 2013

Publisher: OmniFic Publishing

Aubrey Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. Bright, witty and fiercely independent,

Aubrey works part-time for the college Dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction. When she meets Dean Grant’s son, Daniel, the TA in her senior Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard’s works and an instant mutual attraction draw Aubrey and Daniel together. Unfortunately, a strict anti-fraternizing policy, made more perilous by a black mark on Daniel’s record, keeps them apart.

Against this academic backdrop, Aubrey and Daniel navigate their way through a steamy courtship, their forbidden romance aided, abetted and sometimes thwarted by a colorful cast of friends, family and classmates.


Purchase Links:  Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble

Excerpt from The Weight of Words Chapter 4 – “Some Must Watch”

Daniel moved from his post at the seminar room door, taking a few slow steps toward me.

“You’re Miss Price, right?” His voice was smooth and silky.

“That’s right. You have a good memory.” I flashed what I hoped was a fabulous smile. “Aubrey Price,” I said, and as I spoke—I had to do it—I reached out, offering a handshake.

He glanced at my outstretched hand and I thought for a second he might refuse my gesture, but then his palm pressed warmly against mine. It sent a surge of heat through me—not a jolt like an electric shock or anything ridiculous like that—but more like a wave, a slow moving but eventually all-encompassing surge of warmth, which turned my brain, among other things, to jelly. An image of his fingers curling around mine as he pushed me against that bookshelf made my knees weak.

“Well, Miss Price, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, reclaiming his hand and entirely ignoring my first name.

“You can call me Aubrey,” I said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. It’s quite unique.”

“I was named after my grandmother. It’s a bit old-fashioned, I guess, but better than the alternative, which would have been way worse.”

He cocked his head as if he expected me to explain myself. The chiseled perfection of his jaw up close obliterated my ability to think straight but I stupidly barreled on anyway.

“Honeysuckle,” I explained. “It’s my mother’s favorite plant. My dad swears she wanted to call me that. Honeysuckle Price. Sounds a bit like a stripper’s name, right?”

I have no idea what possessed me to share this story or to ask him such a stupid question, but he nodded, seeming to give serious thought to the issue.

“I imagine it would have been an interesting name to endure.”

I swallowed and shifted my weight, wondering if I should assure him that I wasn’t a stripper and had no aspirations of ever becoming one. Luckily for me, he spoke first.

“So based on your exchange with Professor Brown yesterday, I gather you two are acquainted?” he said.

“Yes, this is my third time in his class. Not the same class of course—I passed the other two—which were two different courses and this one’s different as well.”

I realized with horror that I’d become as inarticulate as Cara Switzer. But in my defense, he was gazing at me with those fathomless blue eyes and speaking to me with those delicious full lips…

“You’ll have to excuse me,” I said. “I can’t seem to think straight this morning. I didn’t get much sleep, not because, you know…” Oh my God! “Well, I had a—well, rough night—and oh man, I need a coffee…”

I clamped my mouth shut, figuring I’d better quit while I was ahead. But then the heavens opened and a choir of angels sang because he smiled at me, and he got these cute wrinkles around his eyes and the most gorgeous dimple puckered his right cheek. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

About the Author

Georgina Guthrie is a self-professed book hugger and compulsive diarist. Though GG now resides in Canada, she was born across the pond and still considers herself a Brit through and through, which may explain her frequent visits to her favourite local British import shop.GG is often happiest when reading and writing, but she’s just as likely to be found hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the other.

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