For Authors

Interviews & Guest Posts
We’d be thrilled to host authors for interviews or guest blogging.  Blog Tours are handled by our sister site Literati Author Services.

Review Policy
Literati Lit currently accepts either e-books (preferably in mobi, epub, or  PDF format), galleys, ARC copies, and hard copies in either paperback or hardcover for review on a limited basis. We cannot guarantee that your book will be reviewed nor can we can promise that you will receive a favorable review in return. If you can’t accept criticism, please do not submit your book.  We only give honest reviews regardless of how we obtained the manuscript.

We have a wide range of interest in terms of our reading genres. We’ll gladly review

  • contemporary romance
  • paranormal romance
  • steampunk
  • historical romance
  • urban fantasy
  • erotica
  • poetry
  • science fiction
  • young adult/new adult
  • fantasy and mystery/thriller/horror
  • Non fiction books such as biographies or history will be considered on individual bases

**If you are an Indie / Self-published author, we will be happy to review your book as long as it adheres to the above information.

Please note: We will not accept unfinished / unpublished manuscripts.

If you are interested in a review, please fill out the FORM, and we will contact you on how to submit your manuscript.

We are a very busy group of women; therefore, we request that a complete synopsis be included with your request. After you submit your request, we will consider your book for review. We reserve the right to pass on any book based on our own personal schedules and availability. We value author submissions as a group, and as we still lead regular lives.  We only have so many hours in the day to read and write reviews. You will be contacted with our decision within two weeks of your submitted request.

If we accept your book for review, you, the author, or publicist/agent will need to supply the book to us within one week of acceptance.  If we do not receive the approved and accepted manuscript after two attempts to contact you, we will move on to the next book request.

After receiving the manuscript, we, as the reviewer, will have a minimum of eight weeks in which to read, write and post review. The review will be posted on Literati Literature Lovers OR Literati Book Reviews as well as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads.  We believe in giving a fair and honest review of all manuscripts submitted.

Submit Request

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