In Love With Adult Romance Blog Tour & Giveaway – Day #3 – When You’re Ready by J.L. Berg

Posted September 25, 2013 by Karen in Giveaways, Promotional Event / 26 Comments


Title: When You’re Ready (The Ready Series)

Author Name: J.L. Berg

Release Date: July 23rd 2013

Genre: Contemporary Romance

 ~ Synopsis ~


Years after suffering the tragic loss of her husband, Ethan, which left her alone to raise their young daughter, Clare Murray still holds the last letter he wrote with the words “When You’re Ready” written in his familiar messy handwriting, unable to break its weathered seal. Ready for what? He was her entire world, and Clare had accepted a life without him, without love. Until years later, fate brings her to an emergency room, and face to face with a stormy-eyed doctor intent on changing her mind.

 Logan Matthews is the son of a billionaire who has spent his entire life trying to make his absent father proud. Years of living up to a man who was more ghost than father, and a publicly failed marriage has left Logan cold and emotionless until he walks into an exam room and discovers a woman who can stop his heart, make his body burn with desire and leave his entire world altered.

 But how far are Clare and Logan willing to go for love? When their love is tested, is Clare ready to put her whole heart on the line again? Can Logan learn the true meaning of love, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness? When a second chance at love is given, Clare and Logan learn you never know if you are truly ready until you’re ready to risk it all.

~ Excerpt ~

The front door I had been staring at opened, startling me.

“You gonna stand out here all day?” Logan asked, leaning against the door frame as he casually threw a kitchen towel over his shoulder.

“Ah, no. Sorry. Scatterbrained.”

“You mean nervous?” he said, motioning to the overnight bag that was slung over my shoulder.

Blushing, I nodded. The overnight bag had been a huge cause of contention between Leah and me. She told me to pack it. I told her it was being presumptuous.

“Presumptuous, Clare?” she said “He invited you over for dinner. After telling you the next time you were alone, he was going to ravage you senseless. I think you’re being a little dense. Pack a bag so you don’t have to brush your teeth with your index finger.”

I gave in and did as I was told. But having never packed an overnight bag, I had no idea what to bring. When I dated Ethan, we were in college and in the same dorm. If I spent the night in his room, I just ran back to my own in the morning for a quick shower, and vice versa. I didn’t know what went in a “spending the night at my boyfriend’s house” bag. Did I pack pajamas? Or was that prudish? Did I bring shampoo, or should I just use his? I settled for the minimum. A change of clothes, a sexy nightie, a bit of makeup and a toothbrush.

“No need for nervousness, Clare. You hold all the cards tonight,” Logan winked as his eyes traveled  the length of my body, making me instantly flush.

“Did I mention you look amazing? Downright fucking beautiful,” he declared.

And every bit of nervousness I had evaporated as his pale blue eyes meet mine.

He could have me. Here. Now. Any way he wanted.

“Dinner, Clare. We have to eat first,” he breathed in my ear.

“Right. Food.”


Purchase Links:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords

fIMG_5481webAbout the Author:  /
J.L. Berg is a California native living in the South. She’s married to her high school sweetheart and they have two beautiful girls that drive them batty on a daily basis. When she’s not writing, you can find her with her nose stuck in a romance book, in a yoga studio or devouring anything chocolate. J.L. Berg is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC.

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3. Tiffany Talks Books 4. Sizzle and Swoon
5. The Blushing Reader 6. Literati Literature Lovers
7. Fab, Fun & Tantalizing Reads 8. Dear Brighton
9. Romance Schmomance 10. Deal Sharing Aunt


26 responses to “In Love With Adult Romance Blog Tour & Giveaway – Day #3 – When You’re Ready by J.L. Berg

  1. kgagnon2013

    Thanks for the post and this great excerpt. I am looking forward to checking this book out. I love this tour and the books you are promoting!

  2. Amy Pollard Woolard

    I have read so many great things about this book!! I would love to read it for myself!! Thank you for the chance!

  3. i like this storyline better than having someone in a marriage start cheating on the other.. I know there are several books with that story out there today, but they’re just not my thing. So I’m trying out my luck for this contest! 🙂

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