Blindfold Innocence by Alessandra Torre: Book Review (Erotic)

Posted January 28, 2014 by Karen in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

17164203Title: Blindfold Innocence

Author: Alessandra Torre

Genre: Erotic (BDSM)

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Publication date: Jan. 28 2014

Publisher: Harlequin


Expanded Edition

“I’m not sure what you have been told about me, but I’m not nearly as bad as they make me out to be.” His deliciously deep voice carried a little bit of ego.

I’m sure you are exactly as bad as they make you out to be….

Brad De Luca is used to getting whatever and whomever he wants. The premier divorce attorney in town, he’s a playboy who’s bedded half the city—including his own clients. And when the newest intern at his firm poses a challenge, his seductive prowess goes into overdrive.

Pre-law student Julia Campbell is fresh off a failed engagement and happy with her new independence. Even if she weren’t warned away from Brad at every turn, she’d know he was bad news. The last thing she needs is a man who could destroy her job prospects, not to mention her innocence. But before she knows it, the incorrigible charmer has her under his spell. His deviant tastes plunge her deep into a forbidden world of sexual exploration…but her heart may not survive the fall.


Karen’s Review

Blindfold Innocence by Alessandra Torre, isn’t a romance.  If you want to dive into this book thinking that this is white knight love story, you will be sorely disappointed.  If you are looking for a well written tantalizing read, about sexual awakening and exploration then this is the book for you.

Enter the good girl Julia, intern at a prestigious Chicago law firm and wannabe lawyer.  I say wannabe  as she is still an undergrad.  Julia has just broken up with her fiancé, an relationship she saw going nowhere except possible to nagging.  He ex fiancé is someone she thought she wanted; which was love on Julia’s terms.  Julia is a typical type A personality; she likes to be in control.  Her new boss at the law firm she interns at is a workaholic, and Julia barely has time to sleep.  She isn’t getting much law learned, but her typing and filing skills are going to be grand.  The internship of course will look good on her resume, isn’t that what all internships are about free work for the employer and a resume boost for the intern.

The one major draw back is while Julia is sequestered in the dull west wing, one of her fellow interns is in Shangri-La, the east wing, with Brad DeLuca divorce attorney extraordinaire, and arch nemesis to Julia’s boss Boward.  Oh poor Mr. DeLuca does not have a very good reputation, he is a proud card carrying single man, and doesn’t let pseudo morals get in his pursuit of what he wants.  Guess what he decides that he wants? …. Bingo Julia.  Ding Ding Ding, you get the prize.  Whoop Hoot

What transpires between the two is sexually charged animalistic and oh so very good.  Torre explores what Julia thought were her social morals, as Brad tries to show her that societies long held social mores aren’t just out of date; but are just not humanely possible.

This was a very fun book to read.  I have read other books of Ms. Torre, and what she is able to do by writing in the first person for most of the book is pull the reader into the story.  She pulled me so into the story, I was like heck yeah Brad is so right.  (Note to readers, I am a boring, happily married woman, who believes in monogamy the polar opposite of Brad’s view in the book)  But, Brad is so sexual and sensual who wouldn’t agree with him.  He does make a very convincing agreement.  He is a good lawyer and sets up one heck of an argument for the acquittal of his sexual proclivities.  So in fantasy land I shout, Go Brad Go.

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble |

About the Author


Alessandra Torre is an exciting new author who astonished the publishing world with the success of her first novel, Blindfolded Innocence. Initially self-published, the intriguing romance and erotica title quickly rose to the top of the charts on Kindle and Amazon and attracted the interest of major publishing houses. Currently available on Kindle, iBookstore and Nook, Blindfolded Innocence will be available in print in 30 different countries through Harlequin Publishing in June 2013.

Torre’s captivating story about a young intern’s sexual awakening has won praise and rave reviews from numerous critics, bloggers and book reviewers, including the acclaimed Dr. Laura Berman. In her recent article “35 to Read After 50″ in Everyday Health, Dr. Berman recommended Blindfolded as a must-read for book enthusiasts searching for a new fix after Fifty Shades of Grey. The book has also received high marks from readers on Goodreads and other literary web sites where fans frequently remark they can’t wait for a Blindfolded sequel!

Momentarily stunned by the book’s rapid success and loyal following, Torre is currently at work on a thriller that will be released in the next two months as well as a sequel to Blindfolded. From her home near the tranquil warm waters of the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married to her “best friend” and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies.


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