Category: Musings

Valentine's Day and #FSOG

Posted February 12, 2015 by Karen in Musings / 1 Comment

  Just now I got a Google alert that my favorite author Nina Lane, gave an interview to WKOW Secret Identity: Real ’50 Shades’ style writer lives in Madison. My dander is up.  What got my dander in a rough? A […]


“Come for Me”

Posted August 24, 2014 by Karen in Musings, Uncategorized / 2 Comments

    Hmmmm.. three little words “Come for Me”, that line is uttered by twenty first century Billionaires, Renaissance men, Regency period men, Elizabethan Men, Vampires, Demons, Shapshifters, Prize Fighters, Motorcycle Gang Members, add some Millionaires, Race Car Drives, Military […]


What is Kindness?

Posted September 4, 2012 by Karen in Musings / 0 Comments

Kindness is never wasted.― Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel’s Inferno One of the major themes explored in the novels Gabriel’s Inferno and Gabriel’s Rapture is kindness. I want to explore what kindness truly is. What is kindness? I know what unkindness is […]


NPR Best YA Novels List

Posted August 8, 2012 by Karen in Musings / 0 Comments

Yesterday NPR published their top 100 Best Young Adult Novels list. As always with these types of lists there are always going to be questions regarding how that “book” made it. A lot of the books listed are perhaps a […]
